Yahoo Pro Leagues: What is the budget?

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avatar#4586  3/27/2014 6:44 PM

Yahoo has the worst interface for trying to find the rules on how the league runs.  There are 5 different pages throughout the site where you can piece together most of what you need to know.  But I can't find the budget that is used for the Pro Auction Leagues?

Anyone do one of these?  What is the budget?

Thank you.

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avatartomm0  3/27/2014 7:05 PM

$260 is typically the default auction budget.  Good luck!

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avatarjphanned   3/27/2014 10:09 PM

Yeah Yahoo! PRO leagues use a default 12-team, 23-man roster with a $260 budget.

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avatar#4586  3/29/2014 2:59 PM

Thank you!

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