BBM roto1 league, 2 spots open

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avatarCap.   3/16/2015 6:03 PM

Hey guys, we still have 2 open spots in our BBM roto1 league, so let me know if you're interested in joining.  It's standard roto settings, free league, on Yahoo.  Draft is this coming Monday, March 23rd @ 8:00pm EST.  Full of BBM members so it's competitive.  PM me your email address if you're interested and I'll send you an invite, first come first serve!

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avatarCap.   3/17/2015 8:20 PM

One spot left.

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avatarCap.   3/19/2015 1:37 PM

Anybody else want in this league? We still have one spot open. This is a league full of BBM users, so it will be very competitive. Send me your email via PM if you're interested. Draft is this Monday, March 23rd at 8:00pm EST. Thanks.

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