Projected Standings during Draft Tracker

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avatarSonnyD1  3/20/2015 9:16 AM

Forgive me if this has been asked in another thread, but is there a way to see projected standings based solely on a starting lineup? For example, we have a starting lineup of 10 players on offense, I'd like to see during the draft how I stack up with each teams optimal starting lineup. I like to carry only 1 extra offensive player and load up on starting pitchers, so the totals that are calculated for different categories are skewed because a team that may carry 5 extra offensive players isn't going to be able to use all of them because of full schedules.

I'm mocks that I've done I find myself around round 12 at the top of the pack in offensive cats but tail off because I stop drafting offensive players. Can I just track every teams optimal starting lineups and project standings/total from that only?


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avatarken_admin  3/20/2015 11:02 AM

The Draft Tracker currently only shows Projected Standings using all drafted players. In your case, you may want to switch to view a Per-Game value (and then switch back to Total for drafting). This should reduce the effect of one team having more hitters than others.

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