Excluding keeper players from projections

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avatarmorrison  3/26/2015 12:14 PM

Looked around the forum and didn't see this asked, but apologies if it has been already.  I'm in a keeper league, and I was wondering if there is a way to exclude kept players from projections, particularly in the draft tool.

Thanks for the great product!

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avatarorolo  3/26/2015 1:46 PM

If they're already assigned to teams in your league, you can import the team players under Settings > Team Players, then choose Available for projections.

If they're not assigned to teams in your league yet, you can manually assign players to teams under Settings > Team Players, assuming your you've added your league.

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avatarken_admin  3/26/2015 2:09 PM

You can do these things to setup your rosters, but the Draft Tracker stores its players separately.  If using Yahoo! or CBS, keepers are automatically imported when drafting.  Which provider do you use?

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avatar#18896  3/26/2015 4:21 PM

For draft tracker, in order to use the Dynamic Value in advance, I just went in and selected all the players on other teams or my team and clicked "drafted" and it removes them all.

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avatarRyanH  3/27/2015 12:52 PM

I have a similar question

I'm in a Yahoo keeper league (14 keepers per team) but when I import the team players under Settings > Team Players, then choose Available for projections, I see the entire league (keeper +non-keeper).  The league manager told me he's already assigned the keepers in our league.- and the keeper already shows up in the "draft results section".

Has anyone in a Yahoo keeper league this year run into the same problem?

Jenningspet -  I think i'm going to have to do the same thing as you for the draft tracker -select players and click drafted....are you also in a Yahoo league?

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avatarken_admin  3/27/2015 12:54 PM

When importing Yahoo! rosters, Yahoo! does not include the keepers for some reason.  Once your actual draft begins, they are included.

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avatarRyanH  3/27/2015 1:01 PM

Ok thanks for the quick reply, Ken

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