Draft tracker down?

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avatarrufusfirefly  3/29/2015 3:18 PM

Draft tracker just barfed as my draft began. Had league loaded, was working correctly, now getting "No teams were imported. Check your ESPN League ID." League ID and password are correct.

Can't import my team either.

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avatarken_admin  3/29/2015 3:21 PM

Try again to connect is the best bet though you probably tried that. If you'd like to send me your ESPN info, I can try myself. kslight@baseballmonster.com


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avatarrufusfirefly  3/29/2015 3:29 PM

Tried it and failed, just sent you ESPN credentials. Thanks.

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avatarken_admin  3/29/2015 3:39 PM

It looks like you're using the Flash version of the ESPN draft room, and you need to use the Lite Draft Application.  Does that fix the issue?

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