Positional Value

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avatarliam4  3/30/2015 1:55 PM

Is there any change to positional value from last year?

I recall it being a fixed value added to each player depending on the position they played.  This year, it seems like it's multiplier on the value.  Which seems like it probably makes sense, but is that the change?

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avatarken_admin  3/30/2015 2:21 PM

It is different this year, and it matches what we're doing on the basketball site.  The value is calculated by comparing all top players at that position, similar to an overall value.

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avatarliam4  3/31/2015 10:02 PM

if it no longer corresponds to positional scarcity, is there another way to measure that?  Or can it be used for that, just needs to be read differently than last year's metric?

I see basketball as different than baseball given you typically have a G and F position, whereas standard baseball settings require me to play 8 different position players, including C, SS and 2B.  So scarcity is more of a factor.  Hard to know when to take Posey or the top 2B.

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avatarmymaus  3/31/2015 11:29 PM

I agree that Positional Value needs to reflect positional scarcity. Does you new calculation reflect scarcity? I'd like to hear a definition of what  it is. As said above, we need something that boost the value of a player based on playing a position where less offensive talent is found. In fact, should we actually be sorting by positional value & be picking the player with the highest positional value when it comes our turn in the draft (with consideration of our team's positional needs at the time of the pick and possibly some consideration to tiers)? If that's not the case, why not?

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avatarmymaus  3/31/2015 11:55 PM

I think positional values should work something like this:


and again, we should sort by positional value and pick the best value EXCEPT when choosing a utility position or possibly a bench position.

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avatarmymaus  4/1/2015 8:49 AM

Now I'm even more confused.  A column Dollars (and defined as BBM Dollars) is not correlated with PosV or Value. I would have expected this to be correlated with PosV with a correct boost in Dollars based on position.

Also, when I just look at shortstops only sorting by PosV only yields a different order within the SS group vs sorting by Value.

Can we get more explanation of these 3 items and how we should use them?

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avatarken_admin  4/1/2015 9:09 AM

The PosV compares all top players at a single position (using their best) rather than comparing all players together.  For example, Altuve is compared to all other 2B to get his PosV.  For most leagues, you will see his PosV is higher than the players around him. So it does show stat scarcity compared to others at that position.

The Dollars does correlate with Value where the lowest top players is assigned $1, and other players are assigned dollars relative to his value. Obviously, if you adjust the # of $1 players, this will change the distribution.

The link to article looks familiar and is likely closer to the method we used last season. I'll review and see if this is the case. If so, I may be able to easily re-enable this as a different value if users find it more helpful.


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