Need managers for Tango Points League

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avatardescender  4/2/2015 12:09 PM

I have created this league on Fantrax

The league password is "tomtango".  It is loosely based on the Tango Linear Weights point system that Ottoneu uses.  H2H Points, draft tonight if we get enough people.  I'd love to get a few BBM users in there.  I have listed the league as public on Fantrax, so first come first serve.


EDIT: Due to a seemingly total lack of interest i have shut this league down.  Oh well.

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avatarholty85  4/2/2015 3:15 PM

agreed. I posted a league last weekend and didn't get any bites either. Shocking really that people's interest isn't higher given that this is a paid service. 

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avatarcrucified  4/2/2015 9:54 PM

I like Linear Weights points leagues, like Fangraphs Ottoneu and SABR points.  I'm in 3 of these leagues and commish one myself but hesitate to advertise on Baseball Monster.  I assume you know where I'm coming from there :)   I use Yahoo and I've found they are hard to fill up until the last minute.  We could startup up a league for Basketball Monster guys after the season starts, if I find that 4 SABR metrics based leagues isn't enough.  My first linear weights points league started on week 7, and it had 10 teams.  

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