Baseball monster factors question

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avatarjustinshilot  4/6/2015 11:00 AM

When baseball monster factors are put in for starting pitchers - are the factors based on the opposing teams stats for last year or projected stats for this year?  For example, Tim Hudson has a big ratings boost in my league this week which I'm guessing is based on the Padres offense being very bad last year, but that information wouldn't be very helpful because the team is so different now.  It could be just park based, but there's no way to break out the factors to know for sure.

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avatarken_admin  4/6/2015 11:19 AM

The factor adjustments are based on the projections of the hitters, not last year's results.  Hudson's boost is due to pitching in SD which is the best batting average park for pitchers.

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avatarjustinshilot  4/6/2015 11:40 AM

Thanks Ken, that's great!  Like I said, can't separate the factors so I wasn't sure if I should trust it.

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avatarken_admin  4/6/2015 11:43 AM

I would like to separate the factors into three: L/R, Park, and Opponent. I should be able to do that in the next couple of weeks.

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avatarfranciscolora0524  4/7/2015 12:55 AM

woba would be a lot better than batting average if you can too :)

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avatarFirst  4/7/2015 10:20 AM

Do you take a players wOBA in account for your factors? As in how a pitcher or hitter does vs L/R.

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avatarken_admin  4/7/2015 10:49 AM

We have raw inputs for each hitter and pitcher, and we use the factors to adjusts these inputs.  These are then used in our projection system to produce the results.  Therefore, wOBA is not directly used since it's not one of those inputs.  We do use both hitter L/R and pitcher L/R.

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avatarfranciscolora0524  4/7/2015 1:50 PM

Is there a way we can make woba one of those inputs? Probably the best stat to use when making predictions and projections. Maybe give us the option to include it or not?

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