Getting H2H projections that mix actual stats for games played

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avatarcrucified  4/18/2015 8:09 PM

Today I was planning my last day of the week using H2H Daily for my category league and it didn't look like I expected.  I expected to see the actual stats properly mixed in with the projections when I select the whole week. With that functionality I can plan my moves.  Without that I would have to make guesses or create a spreadsheet and do the work myself.  In Basketball Monster I had seen that the functionality was working and maybe last year it was working here, as I think I would have seen this issue before.  Is this something that could be updated soon?

Also will we be able to use real stats soon vs. only projections when planning with H2H and the others pages?  


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avatarken_admin  4/18/2015 8:57 PM

I'll take a look at your H2H daily page and see what's up.

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