Looking for a league

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avatarrsavits  3/2/2013 6:25 PM

I'm an experienced NL-only player who's used to deep weekly leagues.  I'm looking to expand out to mixed leagues but something deep.  I want a free friendly league with active managers (not for $).  Auction preferred over snake draft, daily over weekly, open to most any scoring system.  If anyone in a league like this needs another manager, let me know?  Thanks!

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avatarjackal40ster  3/10/2013 8:42 PM

Hey I have a roto league 5x5 with QS instead of W of you are interested.. very active league.. eight so far.. looking for two more. Snake draft.. drop me a email of you are interested. jackal_40@gmail.com

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avatarj1cyrus  3/12/2013 11:38 PM

I hope it's not too late, but I think I have the perfect league for you. Will end up being at least 16 teams, mixed, auction, fantasy point scoring based on linear weights. Very Saber friendly. Excellent current group.

Email me at jacobtulloch@gmail.com if you're still interested!

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