My standard 12-tm Yahoo H2H league has playoffs during "Week 23, 24 and 25 (6 teams) Note: Week 25 runs 7 days from Sep 28 to Oct 4." Thus, there are two weeks left in the regular season. How important is keeping players who are ROS, but haven't been delivering? For example, I have had Carlos Gomez since the beginning of the season, but he seems expendable for the playoffs. In Fantasy NBA, you go with the hot players and could drop big names during the playoffs. Also, number of games during the week become important. What is key during the playoffs in Fantasy MLB? Does pitching win championships? Is it better to try and pick up one or more hot hitters and pitchers than go with a "name brand" ROS guy who is trending down, struggling or is suddenly borderline? What type of situations to watch out for? Guys getting shut down or rested for real playoffs? 0% Agree (0 votes) |