DFS Projections for Playoffs

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avatarken_admin  10/6/2015 11:34 AM

We've added this, and please let us know if you have any suggestions.  Currently, you can select the current date and the next date by checking "Two Days" by the Date prompt.  Keep in mind the projected lineups for future games are estimates and are subject to change when the actual lineups come out.

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avatarpolarns  10/6/2015 8:08 PM

Going forward, is there any way to apply factors to projections for players playing in the 2nd part of a 2 day slate?  Because no factors were applied to the Cubs/Pirates game tomorrow, but were applied for the Yankees/Astros game today, lineup building was much more difficult.  Thanks! 

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avatarken_admin  10/6/2015 8:28 PM

Ah yes, I see that, and I'll take a look for tomorrow's games. Thanks

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avatarken_admin  10/6/2015 8:39 PM

The factor numbers are showing now.

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avatarpolarns  10/6/2015 9:00 PM

Great! Thanks so much.  

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