roto - daiilies and imports

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avatarliam4  4/3/2016 11:30 AM

Really bummed there are no roto projections this year.  In season, are steamer RoS projection imports the suggested way to use the site?  I find the z scoring values from here the best way to figure out add/drops.

Also, I do a lot of player streaming.  Is the dfs projection going to be made available for season players as well, so we can see who to pick up that isn't already owned?  I hope so... If not, any suggestions on a site where you can upload your team and see best daily pickups?


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avatarliam4  4/3/2016 12:30 PM

I guess the other question on dailies is whether they will be available for the following day

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avatarken_admin  4/3/2016 6:04 PM

We should be able to get the Daily Projections page going which should allow streaming.  For DFS projections, they'll typically be available a couple of days ahead of time, but for this week, it'll likely be the night before.  There's a lot of manual matching for players and their prices the first time they play.

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avatarliam4  4/3/2016 6:29 PM

Thanks, Ken.  Appreciate the work you're doing and have always done here.  I'd still pay something for the reduced features, personally.

100% Agree (1 vote)

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