Near the bottom of your user settings page, there are two URLs you can use to retrieve today's projections (CSV): 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Hmm...I don't see them 0% Agree (0 votes) |
You should now. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Got it--thanks! 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Wait--they're gone again 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Back again I assume :) 0% Agree (0 votes) |
What kind of sorcery is this? Lol... 0% Agree (0 votes) |
I believe it's permanent now. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
I don't think it's working. Isn't it supposed to download a file when you paste it into the address bar? 0% Agree (0 votes) |
It should. Do you already have a file with that name in your downloads? 0% Agree (0 votes) |
No. When I paste it in, it just takes me to the homepage 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Any updates? Am I the only one having issues with this? 0% Agree (0 votes) |
I'll check your account today to see what's up. I'm not sure if others are using it yet. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Sorry but I'll throw in here that I had the exact problem cdenny99 described no download, that link would just load the home page I just didn't say anything because it had already been reported. But yeah, this is not unique to him, I have the exact same experience - link is totally non-operational as far as I can tell. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
well I should say the link ends up reloading the DFS projections page, and never downloads anything - not quite non-operational. let me know if there's anything I can do to assist in troubleshooting! thanks ken 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Sorry about that, and I believe it's fixed. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Still doing same thing for me. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
It didn't see you as a member, but it should now. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
seems to work now at a glance, at least, a file downloads when that link is followed - I assume it's golden!
I'll follow up if there are any other issues, thanks again ken! 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Perfect. Thanks Ken! 0% Agree (0 votes) |
How is this intended to be used? Can you use it to import data straight into an excel file? Or does it just download the same as clicking the export csv button? I can't get it to import via excel web query (MAC) or google sheet 'importhtml'. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
 | mcl2 7/24/2016 9:14 PM |
Is there anyway to show on the pitcher projection page , pitchers K's vs righties, pitchers k's vs lefties. opponents k's rates , open moneyline, current moneyline. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
 | mcl2 7/25/2016 4:09 AM |
Hi Ken , is there a email for support, for some reason I am not able to copy an paste a message to you. That way if I email you what I'm referring to exactly with my question above this , you will know exactly what I'm asking. Thanks 0% Agree (0 votes) |
@rsigler65 - I've only tested the XLS export using the URL directly from a browser so I'm not sure of the other methods. I could always give one a shot if you have a simple testing method. @mcl2 - For support, you can use On the DFS projections, we do show opponent K-rate under L/R splits, and we show current odds. We do not show the open at the moment. For pitcher K, are you looking for a specific # of projected Ks vs. left and right? 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Well, put another way, if I could use the google sheets 'importdata' function with the csv link in my settings page, that would be golden! I think the login credentials may be a problem, although it did work once yesterday. With Google sheets the formula is pretty simple...
Edit: Also forgot to mention - the link only seems to export games that haven't started yet. I don't know about others, but that would be a problem for me. 0% Agree (0 votes) |