I created this tool which is kind of buried in another topic. It makes updating rest of season projections very simple. You just need to enter your Baseball Monster username/password and it does the rest. I have only tested it on Windows OS, and it requires Java Version 8 to run. Also, there is an assumption made that your downloads go to your default users\downloads directory. Feel free to let me know of any issues or possible suggestions. Thanks! https://www.dropbox.com/s/eys8wi8dd072t4e/UpdateBBMProjections.zip?dl=0 100% Agree (2 votes) |
Great job. Does not update for the RP and SP seperate to show Holds and Quality Starts. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Thanks tomm0! I've thought about doing this using some automation tools. I see it's an exe, would you be able to publish the source? The issue that LGLP86 mentioned without QS and Holds is why I can't use it as it is. Maybe there is a way you can have alternative import sources? I've been importing Fangraphs Depth Charts and I have both Holds and QS. Fangraphs has holds but not QS and I think kslight was computing QS from those after I mentioned QS were missing. 100% Agree (2 votes) |
Maybe I'll try to get the source up on github or something. Sorry about that as I completely understand how shady an .exe could seem. I don't have much experience distributing software/sharing code since I typically just run things locally from within my IDE. I'm not too sure regarding the Holds/QS issue, but I could have alternative import sources assuming they are easy enough to export. 100% Agree (3 votes) |
Good stuff, tomm0! I used it with no problem. Thank you! 100% Agree (1 vote) |
Great tool but I have a suggestion. Rather than update the FantasyPros full season projections which remain pretty much static (ex. Ken Giles projected to get 34 saves) could you change it so that it imports the FantasyPros rest of season projections (updates and more useful to view going forward). Thanks 0% Agree (0 votes) |
@tench500 thanks for bringing this to my attention. There seemed to be a caching issue that was not downloading the updated projections. The zip/exe has been updated here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/eys8wi8dd072t4e/UpdateBBMProjections.zip?dl=0 100% Agree (3 votes) |
I just checked this out, very cool. It would seem that if you exported the SP and RP pages on FP individually you would get the QS and HLD columns we need. If you just export the "all pitchers" tab it doesn't give those columns. Any chance you could update that? This would save me a great deal of time. 100% Agree (1 vote) |
Hey Descender, give this a shot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eys8wi8dd072t4e/UpdateBBMProjections.zip?dl=0 I am importing the full pitcher file first, and then following it up with the RP file. The SP file only does not have a Saves column so it cannot be imported at the moment. Let me know how this works for you. Also, the source is now located here: https://github.com/tmancini/updatebbmprojections I basically just exported the entire Eclipse Project that I had. First time using GIT. Also don't judge the code I really just kind of threw this together  Thanks 0% Agree (0 votes) |
It doesn't seem to be picking up the holds column for me. Maybe someone else had better luck. ken could you look at the files that fantasypros exports for SP, RP and Hitters and make it all happy? :D Those RoS projections are going to be very useful. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
The pitching stat categories HLD and QS continue to be missing unfortunately. Absolutely awesome tool otherwise! Thanks so much for providing it! 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Are you guys able to get those stats when manually importing projections from FantasyPros? If so which projections are you exporting? 0% Agree (0 votes) |
No it seems that it is simply due to the fact that FantasyPros doesn't provide projections for QS... Some other sources like Fangraphs do but for whatever reason FantasyPros does not think QS is worth projecting? lol 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Tomm0 I haven't tried importing directly from their sheets into here. I've been running everything through a google sheet convertor I built up to output my sheets as CSV's in the BBM format. tench - Fantasypro's doesn't actually project anything. All they do is aggregate other people's projections. :) They absolutely have QS and Holds, it just doesn't show up when you export the "all pitchers" sheet. If you export SP only you get a QS column, if you export RP only you get a holds column. BBM just isn't reading them properly. 100% Agree (2 votes) |
Ken, any chance you can fix this so we can directly import the separate SP and RP exported projections from Fantasypros? They currently fail to import because they don't each contain all of the proper columns. The RP export includes Holds and the SP export includes QS which a few of us desperately need. The "all pitchers" export doesn't have either column. This would let us use Tomm0's nifty little tool to do all of the importing rather than having to do excel gymnastics to make it work. :) i know you're stuck in DFS land but any help would be greatly appreciated. 100% Agree (2 votes) |
Sure, I can take a look at these two individual formats and make they import. I'll check this later today. 100% Agree (3 votes) |
It looks like FantasyPros uses a heading of "HD" for holds, and I've added support for that. I still have a few other things to add before updating the site, but I expect to do that Saturday morning. 100% Agree (2 votes) |
Does fantasypros have a column for hitters games played? On import, pitchers come up correctly but all hitters show 1 game, so can't sort by value per game 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Did this update ever happen? Can anyone confirm if it works now? 0% Agree (0 votes) |
No I still am not getting QS 0% Agree (0 votes) |
It you manually import from FantasyPros, are the QS included? 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Having trouble with the tool the last couple days. Any chance there's an update? 100% Agree (1 vote) |
I also couldn't get the upload to work just now. Any ideas what's wrong with the file? 0% Agree (0 votes) |
 | mcl2 7/14/2016 10:14 AM |
Let us know if ya get the bugs worked out. Hoping to be able to use it. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Sorry guys let me take a look now. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Here is an updated link https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17814668/UpdateBBMProjections.zip 0% Agree (0 votes) |
No luck. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
no luck for me either. from log: org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate a node using .//*[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' menu-info-logout ')] For documentation on this error, please visit: http://seleniumhq.org/exceptions/no_such_element.html Build info: version: 'unknown', revision: 'unknown', time: 'unknown' System info: host: 'Liam-PC', ip: '[]', os.name: 'Windows 10', os.arch: 'x86', os.version: '10.0', java.version: '1.8.0_91' Driver info: driver.version: HtmlUnitDriver 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Pretty sure it has something to do with the new layout and how the program handles caching. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17814668/UpdateBBMProjections.zip I just updated the link again. Can you guys give it a shot? Everything is working for me so it's hard to test. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
awesome, thank you. worked for me. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Still getting an error. Are you supposed to download that zip file, and then import it here https://baseballmonster.com/customprojections.aspx? I'm getting this: A system error has occurred. The administrator has been alerted. We apoligize for the inconvenience. 0% Agree (2 votes) |
Albert -- unzip the file and then open it. Put in your user name and password, click update projections, and voila. Just ran it again, still working. 100% Agree (1 vote) |
Does anybody know if this tool works this year? I used it last year and it was awesome! 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Hello. I've been messing around with this again for personal use. Since FantasyPros projections are behind a pay wall, I changed it to pull from FanGraphs. I will try to post a DropBox link to an executable JAR file once I get home. 100% Agree (4 votes) |
Awesome, tomm0 thanks for working to update for this year, appreciate it! 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Here you go guys: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f78sr3yodigz7xq/UpdateBBMProjections.jar?dl=0 Seems to be a little slower than last year's. I am going to try and work on that. Takes about a minute or so to download the projections and then import them. If you guys have any issues just let me know. Projections are coming from here http://www.fangraphs.com/projections.aspx 100% Agree (2 votes) |
Thanks tomm0 this worked well to give feedback - back to the thread last year I guess no way to add projections for stats such as Holds, Quality Stats, Complete Games or Shutouts? Not sure if this was ever solved from 2016 season but hoping at least holds can somehow be incorporated. Either way appreciate it! 0% Agree (0 votes) |
You are always going to be limited to what categories your source has. Fangraphs (where this pulls from) doesn't show Steamers projection for Holds for some reason, so there is no way to add it here. CG and Shutouts are never going to show up in any projection. I personally use Rotochamp for projections and export them into here, but RC isn't free. They average together a few systems (zips/steamer/cairo/rc) and they do include QS and holds. 100% Agree (1 vote) |
Tomm0 -- thanks again for updating this tool, awesome to still be able to use BBM with projections. You're doing a great public service. It worked for me the first time, but I went to update today and it looks like it's pulling only minor league players. Anyone else having the issue? I tried DepthCharts RoS and Steamer RoS. Update: It might just be RoS projections with the issue. I just ran Steamer projections and it worked. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
I'm getting the same error regardless of which projection I put in 0% Agree (0 votes) |
I saw the user submitted link for projections but I can't seem to figure how to import the link. Am I missing something? 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Don't know if a change was made to the file but RoS is working for me now. ajkrouse, you download the .jar executable and run it. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
I've been using the Steamer ROS projections off Fangraphs so far. They've seemed decent, but not sure how quickly they react to injuries. They still have Taillon effectively pitching a full season, for example. The Zips ROS have already adjusted. Has anyone compared the accuracy/performance of the two options on Fangraphs, or prefer another source? UPDATE - just noticed Zips doesn't forecast Saves. Dealbreaker there. Any other good sources? 100% Agree (1 vote) |
 | yaga 5/10/2017 5:56 PM |
I've downloaded tomm0's file but nothing happens when I double click on it. I then right clicked and chose to "open with" Java Platform SE Binary, but still nothing happens. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? I'm on Win 8.1. Thanks. 0% Agree (0 votes) |