Value and Actual Value

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avatarfibsequence  5/17/2016 1:38 PM

How come value and actual value are the same when looking at past days data?  See below. Thanks.

 LikeRankTRankPriceRatioValueActualVCompV1NameInjTeamPosgwOBAMatchupvs. PitcherOddsWeatherRHRRBISB1B2B3BBBHBPHRVRBIVSBVRVBBV1BV2BV3BVHBPV
  11$2,700174.44447.1047.107.04Trayce Thompson LADOF10.374LAA (Shoemaker R) R Ord 7  Confirmed Lineup -1.5 (+115) (o/u 7.5) (-189)64° H73% Winds out to CF at 4-7 mph3.0002.0003.0000.0000.0000.0000.0001.0000.024.0010.500.009.603.
  82$2,200172.27337.9037.905.31Desmond Jennings TBOF10.343@TOR (Happ L) R Ord 6  Confirmed Lineup12ab .250/.250/.500 0sb 0hr+1.5 (-178) (o/u 8.0) (+111)55° H20% Winds left-right at 11-11 mph Retractable Dome1.0001.0003.0000.0001.0001.0000.0001.0000.012.0010.500.
   50% (2)104$3,400110.00037.4037.409.49J.D. Martinez DETOF10.335MIN (Berrios R) R Ord 2  Confirmed Lineup -1.5 (+155) (o/u 8.5) (-136)60° H42% Winds right-left at 5-9 mph2.0001.0003.0000.0002.0000.0000.0000.0000.012.0010.500.006.400.
   100% (2)126$2,800124.64334.9034.909.77Steve Pearce TBOF10.368@TOR (Happ L) R Ord 4  Confirmed Lineup24ab .333/.385/.792 0sb 3hr+1.5 (-178) (o/u 8.0) (+111)55° H48% Winds left-right at 13-19 mph Retractable DomeRain80%2.0001.0003.0000.0000.0001.0000.0000.0000.012.0010.500.006.400.
   0% (1)148$2,600133.07734.6034.606.92Marlon Byrd CLEOF10.345CIN (Lamb L) R Ord 8  Confirmed Lineup2ab .000/.000/.000 0sb 0hr-1.5 (+130) (o/u 8.5) (-163)61° H49% Winds right-left at 8-14 mphRain15%2.0001.0002.0000.0001.0001.0000.0000.0000.
  1710$2,700119.25932.2032.207.65Yan Gomes CLEC10.337CIN (Lamb L) R Ord 6  Confirmed Lineup -1.5 (+130) (o/u 8.5) (-163)61° <span humidity'="" title="Humidity" 'style="nowrap; alt=" '="" style="background-color: rgb(255, 187, 187);">H42% Winds out to RF at 10-15 mph1.0001.0004.0000.0001.0000.0000.0000.0000.012.0014.

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avatarken_admin  5/17/2016 2:24 PM

If you uncheck "Show Actual Results if Available", Value will show the projected value for that day.

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avatarfibsequence  5/18/2016 10:15 AM

Thanks. Appreciate the help!

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