We're rolling out our Advanced Draft Tracker for baseball after introducing it for basketball leagues this past season. You can watch a YouTube walk-through from the basketball side here. There have been some upgrades and refinements, but the functionality will be largely the same as what you see in the video. It connects directly to Yahoo! and CBS draft rooms and updates dynamically. Unfortunately, ESPN is manual - their setup doesn't allow us to connect to live drafts. Completely customizable settings, as with the rest of the site, and you can use our projections or go the custom route. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Is there a way we can use the advanced draft tracker with various websites' mock drafts? Since our actual draft is the first time we are able to use the draft tracker, there is no opportunity to practice and become familiar with it. This would be a huge help. There is another lesser site that allows their draft tracker to be used in mocks, but baseballmonster's info is far superior. Please let us know if this can be done. Thanks!
0% Agree (0 votes) |
Oops... Nevermind. You totally can use it in mocks.
100% Agree (2 votes) |
I looked at the video of the basketball draft tracker. Where in the baseball draft tracker is the Yahoo tracking sign in?
0% Agree (0 votes) |
Ah yes, this process has changed a bit since the hoops version. Click "Grant Access to Yahoo!" in the top-right box to sync with your league:

We're now using the Yahoo! API to access information. Using this process, you'll log into your Yahoo! account through their web site (rather than ours), and they send us permission to access. Yahoo! sends us a code saying you've allowed us access to your fantasy league's information.
0% Agree (0 votes) |
Love the feature. Just used it in a mock draft on Yahoo.
Quick question: Is there I can isolate the available draft pool to say, just my hitters without also removing the info on which hitters I already had. I found myself having to switch the position filter frequenlty during the draft, but found it frustrating to lose the info on my entire team as whole.
Anything that can be done about this?
0% Agree (0 votes) |
Thanks for the comment on the tracker, and yes, we'll update the page to not filter your results when positions are filtered.
0% Agree (0 votes) |
Love the feature as well, tested it twice with mock drafts and it's amazing. Thanks for bringing it to baseball.
100% Agree (1 vote) |
Thanks, and I forgot to mention the position filters no longer filter the team analysis which is much better.
0% Agree (0 votes) |
I'm in a LF/CF/RF league in Yahoo, but I can't see the "Grant Access to Yahoo!" button. This seems to be because my positional source is ESPN (the only one with the LF/CF/RF options for players), because if I switch to Yahoo positional source, I see the button (but then don't have the players listed by LF/CF/RF, only OF). Is there a way to use the ESPN positional source with Yahoo, or get a Yahoo positional source with LF/CF/RF?
Thanks as always!
0% Agree (0 votes) |
@morrison - Yes, that's what's happening. I didn't know Yahoo had LF/CF/RF leagues. is this a custom league where you set the positions, or are these defaulted by Yahoo? If Yahoo has those positions, we should add it as a position source.
0% Agree (0 votes) |
That would be a custom league setting available for Yahoo users.
0% Agree (0 votes) |
How do I enter my league ID for CBS leagues? (The mouse-over ? doesn't do anything in Chrome or Safart for me).
0% Agree (0 votes) |
The league ID is in the CBS URL. The ID is 12345 in this example [http://12345.basketball.cbssports.com/] or mockdraft9.12345 in [http://mockdraft9.12345.basketball.cbssports.com/draft/v4/room].
0% Agree (0 votes) |
How do I enter my league ID for CBS leagues? (The mouse-over ? doesn't do anything in Chrome or Safart for me).
0% Agree (0 votes) |
It looks like your settings are correct. On the Draft Tracker page you don't see prompts in the upper-right to log into CBS?
0% Agree (0 votes) |
Hi kslight, Yes, as Rapierman said, LF/CF/RF is a custom league setting available in Yahoo -- thanks!
0% Agree (0 votes) |
OK, I'll enable the connecting of Yahoo for the ESPN setting too. I can have that ready by Monday so hopefully that's soon enough for your needs.
100% Agree (1 vote) |
Love the Draft Tracker. Used it for my first league today. So much easier than miles of spreadsheets and macros...
2 findings:
1. As I got into the later rounds in the Draft, I had to click the "Show All Players" checkbox because most of the top players were gone. However, clicking this checkbox seemed to override/ignore the Position Filters and just showed all players regardless of whether or not I had their position filter unchecked.
2. Not sure how long the Yahoo API will allow you to hold on to the token before it expires, but I had to refresh the Yahoo authorization about 5 times during the draft.
It's a great tool though!
0% Agree (0 votes) |
Thanks for the feedback. We can fix the All Players filter, and currently, the Yahoo token exires after one hour so we'll look into extending that.
0% Agree (0 votes) |
So for a keeper league once the draft starts it should automatically remove those players right? (Yahoo league)
0% Agree (0 votes) |
Yes, assuming the commissioner has everyone designated, the Draft Tracker should sync up with the room once you are connected.
0% Agree (0 votes) |
Odd - so I'm connected (just by pressing the button in the top right) nothing has updted - 12 min until draft starts
100% Agree (1 vote) |
nevermind the connection just kicked in - thanks!
100% Agree (1 vote) |
Is there NFBC draft tracker? I really like the Yahoo link, so I don't spend so much time crossing off players. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Currently, we cannot connect to NFBC's draft room. We have imported their positions, but that's the extent of our interaction for now. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Can you download an NFBC league after a draft is completed? 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Currently not, but if you want to contact me through email, I can take a look at your league to see what we can do (kslight@baseballmonster.com). 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Yes, it looks like your projections are blank so I have uploaded the steamer defaults for you. 0% Agree (0 votes) |
Hi Kslight, would it be possible to get punting / turning on and off categories in draft tracker, like how there is in the basketball one? 0% Agree (0 votes) |