Daily Export CSV URLs issues

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avatarbbrendo224  7/6/2016 1:15 PM


When using the Daily Export CSV URLs, is there anyway to include monster factors in these? As of now it seems I can only export the raw projections through these links.

Also, when trying to use the pitchers xls export, I am always redirected towards a system error page and can't get the projections. Could you look into this please?




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avatarken_admin  7/6/2016 1:38 PM

The issue with the XLS pitcher export has been fixed, and thanks for letting me know.

Currently, the CSV is only for raw stats and is static for all users.  Does the XLS fix solve the need for factors?

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avatarbbrendo224  7/6/2016 3:01 PM

Thanks for fixing the XLS pitcher export. Much appreciated. I cannot find any way to have the factors included in the pitcher or hitter XLS exports, however.

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avatarken_admin  7/6/2016 3:24 PM

The XLS will include the Factor adjustment number but does not include the L/R, Park, and Opp.  Is that what you wanted?

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avatarbbrendo224  7/6/2016 3:30 PM

I'd like it to include the factor adjustment number. But as of now when I use the xls export link it doesn't show the number or L/R, Park, Opp in the file. Even though when I go to my projections page the factors options are selected.

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avatarbbrendo224  7/11/2016 2:46 PM


Is there any word on if this is possible? 

Thanks so much

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avatarmlynch68  9/25/2018 9:44 AM

I added the formula into my spreadsheet and only gave me the players 1-24. How do I get more players to show up?



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