Thanks for Baseball Monster!

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avatarcrucified  10/4/2016 8:52 PM

Thanks Ken for Baseball Monster!  2016 was another good year for me with your tool's help.  I didn't win them all but did extremely well (won 4 for 5).  I really enjoying baseball with Baseball Monster's help!  Thanks for making it free for non-daily users!

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avatarken_admin  10/5/2016 7:41 PM

Thanks for the comment, and I guess importing projections throughout the season worked for you?

100% Agree (2 votes)
avatarcrucified  10/12/2016 11:51 PM

Your welcome Ken.  Importing the projects was fine.  I was impressed that it worked so well but I've done that in previous seasons.  There are some decent projections out there and they are getting better in some ways.  During the season the recent stats are pretty helpful also.  Also I had a script with simple formulas to help add stats that I needed my source didn't have (Quality Starts mainly).  Thanks again!  Now on to Basketball / Basketball Monster!

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