Getting Player IDs for Steamer Projections

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avatar#18896  2/23/2017 6:10 PM

I have a steamer projection exported, but it doesn't have corresponding player ID's, so it means nothing when trying to import.  How do you remedy this?

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avatarcrucified  2/23/2017 11:08 PM

Based on my experience, the player ID's don't match but it does match on the name.  The instructions are on the Import link, but I copied it:


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avatarken_admin  2/24/2017 4:54 AM

Yes, we typically can match most names.  I'll try importing the latest steamer projections today and fix any mismatches.

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avatarrando  2/26/2017 11:35 AM

I'm importing Steamer, and following BBM instructions. When I try importing, it says for pitchers "K" isn't found, but it instructs us to import strikeouts with the column header "strikeouts_pitched" so I'm wondering why I get this error message. Also, same thing with hitters "can't find BB" when it says use "bases_on_balls."

Am I doing something wrong? All columns in exact right order. Do all values need to be smushed into one column, separated by commas?

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avatarbelloric  2/27/2017 12:51 PM

@rando I've imported Steamer successfully.  Try changing the column headers to exactly what's listed on the BBM instructions (e.g. change K to "strikeouts_pitched" in your CSV file).  

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avatarrando  2/27/2017 9:00 PM

I got it to work after populating the player IDs first. If you get stuck try that.

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