Draft Manager Export

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avatarcrucified  2/28/2017 11:31 PM

During an auction mock draft tonight, after "Refreshing from Yahoo!" I did an "Export to Excel" and I found that the xls file wasn't updated as I expected.  Columns were not updated (were blank):

  • My Column (players you own) 
  • Owner Name
  • Own

I retried multiples and confirmed they aren't updating.  Without those columns populated, the export doesn't help me during the draft.  Could this please be fixed soon?  

By the way, I do see the the draft$ column values were updated with actual drafted values, but it's really difficult to know who's drafted because this column already was populated with dynamic values.  The feature is nice that calculates value scaled on available dollars, if I understand it right, but without the other columns being populated, I still don't know who is drafted.  The Draft$ value is no longer bolded when the player is drafted (as I remember it and described at that link).  Bolding doesn't translate into csv, so that doesn't help me for exporting, not sure if the change to not bold was intentional.   

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avatarcrucified  3/7/2017 10:29 PM

Pretty sure the problem with export is my mock draft is a defect that could be fixed.  Was hoping to have something soon but maybe I can come up with something myself.  Yahoo has an API that I can try.  

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avatarken_admin  3/8/2017 8:32 AM

The My, Owner Name, and Own column will match the Team Players page and not the Draft Tracker page.  These are stored separately so you can mock draft without affecting your actual rosters.

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avatarcrucified  3/8/2017 10:10 PM

Thanks for the reply Ken.  I did notice that the Draft Tracker when loaded with an existing league, populates with players from that league.  The Draft Tracker page does update players you draft and players that are already drafted, so it's possible to update those columns (or some draft only columns) in the live draft.  Given this is a free season, I am just a beggar.  Not sure if I can figure out how to get the Yahoo API figured out by draft time.  Still I can manually do my worksheet in any case, but it would be nice to automate.  Thanks for the reply.  

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