Weather/Odds section question

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avatarWood334  4/3/2017 8:17 PM

I tried to figure out myself without bothering anyone but i couldnt find anything 

In the Odds/Weather section what is all the way on the right? I figured everything else out but that   its a % with a red bar on the far right

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avatarken_admin  4/3/2017 8:20 PM

I can add more help to explain this.  The percent is percent chance of rain over an 8-hour window.  Each square in the bar represents the percent chance for the hour so if it's very red on the left of the bar, there's a high change of rain early in the game.

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avatarWood334  4/3/2017 9:22 PM

thanks as always. Hopefully the DFS thing will work out for you and the BM fans and you can give us your paypal or something to give you compensation.

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