bbm player ID to fangraphs player id table

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avatarsangamc  4/18/2017 8:56 AM

I noticed when I import projections from fangraphs they load for players with different spelling with no issues (eg AJ Pollock on BBM vs A.J. Pollock on fangraphs)

Is there a place I can see that mapping  in the 'get player id csv' so I add it to my googlesheets?

Last year I maintained a seperate table with all the different versions of names between bbm and FG and was hoping to stick with just playerIDs going forward.


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avatarken_admin  4/18/2017 12:11 PM

We do not map IDs, but we do attempt to match player names beyond an exact match.  For instance, the periods in A.J. Pollock do not prevent it from matching,  We also allow aliases for players so Enrique Hernandez has an alias of Kiki Hernandez so both will match.

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avatardescender  4/18/2017 5:17 PM

I've found that the partial matching basically doesn't work at all Ken.  I have to adjust all players with accents and periods that don't match up perfectly with your BBM Player list.  I use a sheet that converts MLBAMID to BBMID, I am unable to directly import my MLBAMID sheet from Rotochamp even if it has the proper headers.

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avatarken_admin  4/18/2017 6:32 PM

Maybe the best solution is to add support for MLB ID since I do have that for all players.  Is that commonly available from most import formats?

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avatarsangamc  4/19/2017 9:31 AM

I like MLB id, that works just as well for me. I use an index from that has mlb, baseball ref, cbs, espn, fangraphs, nfbc, retro and lahman IDs :)

I emailed them last year that baseballmonster was the new top dog and should be included on their list 

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