salaries are off

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avatarSHERMANS_TANKS  4/12/2018 6:07 PM

Upton FD salary is 3800, you have it as 3600 among others. Please pay better attn.

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avatarken_admin  4/12/2018 6:40 PM

Are you sure you have the correct slate selected.

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avatarSHERMANS_TANKS  4/12/2018 6:48 PM

seems you are correct. I know salaries change. But didnt think todays slates would qualify for that. Apologies

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avatarken_admin  4/12/2018 7:34 PM

All slates are automated so hopefully prices will always be correct now.

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avatardapperdan  4/19/2018 11:16 AM

Fanduel prices off today?

Taillon 9k vs 9.3k on FD for example.

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avatarken_admin  4/19/2018 11:38 AM

Make sure to select the correct slate.

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avatardapperdan  4/19/2018 11:50 AM

Thanks Ken, was just clicking the late button :)


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avatardapperdan  4/19/2018 11:57 AM

Looks like Export to CVS ignores the choice of slate?

Or am I doing something wrong there as we lol.

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avatarken_admin  4/19/2018 1:07 PM

I believe the CSV will use the selected slate.  If you have none selected, it will use the lowest price it finds for the player.

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