DaliyJoust pitcher values not right

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avatar#28675  4/12/2013 4:21 PM

Something isn't right with the way the values are being calculated for Daily Joust pitchers. The values are way too low. Wins are 7 points, kershaw is getting .51 W today, and a ton of more points from other categories, but is only valued at 5.88 for today.

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avatarken_admin  4/12/2013 4:27 PM

If you go to the League Settings and hit the Daily Joust button it should correct the issue.  Initially, we had the pts/inn set at 1 rather than the correct 3.


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avatar#28675  4/12/2013 5:00 PM

Weird.  Thought I did that already. Looks good now. Thanks.

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