Gliches this morning

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avatarolebamadude  7/13/2019 8:50 AM

The "Team Players" page under Settings is not correctly sorting players amopng my four teams. League Settings Page appears normal.    I verified accuracy of the Yahoo League numbers.

Problem seems to be persistant.  Cannot correctly access all four teams under the Tools settings.  Wonder if you could take a peak.

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avatarken_admin  7/13/2019 6:15 PM

I'm not sure what you mean.  The rosters are not correct when switching between leagues?

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avatarolebamadude  7/14/2019 1:59 AM

Correct.  I play in four leagues, and all four are posted to monster, and show up in the drop down menu bar.  One of my teams  is "Laser Bombs" of Yahoo League #7123.  The league number is corrct in the "Yahoo Import" function under the "Team Players" section of the Settings tab.  But the list of teams is incorrect.  My team is not listed at all.  Instead, the team named "Bama Bullz" appears.  All listed teams in the pulldown box are from another league entirely.

Strangely, the list of teams that DOES appear there is from another league I'm also in.  This is league #7127.  My team in that league is "Cheese Biscuits". I am currently not able to access the Laser Bombs league.

Summary: The problem involves twoYahoo leagues with league numbers 7123 and 7127.  My team names are Laser Bombs in league 7123 and Cheese Biscuits in league 7127.  I cannot access the Laser Bombs league right now--the team known as Bama Bullz from the league called (in Monster) Laser Bombs league pulls up instead despite each league showing the correct league number on the  Team Players page of Monster.

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avatarolebamadude  7/14/2019 2:28 AM

I fixed the problem by deleting the entire Laser Bombs League (Yahoo #7123) and then recreating it in Monster. Not clear at all the source of the problem I was having.

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