Yahoo Failing to Authenticate

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avatarRapierman   9/23/2019 9:22 PM

Yahoo appears to be failing to authenticate.  Could be some malfunction (though I don't know where the malfuction is located).  I'm unable to update my league rosters as a result.

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avatarken_admin  9/24/2019 7:56 AM

I checked your account, and it looks OK now so maybe it was temporary.  Let me know if you're still having trouble.

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avatarRapierman   9/27/2019 8:29 PM

It just happened again.  Yes, it was working normally after I posted this thread, but it's screwed up again.

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avatarken_admin  9/27/2019 8:36 PM

It seems a bit flaky at the moment, and I'm contacting Yahoo! to see if it's something on their end.

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avatarShowtime78  10/1/2019 1:19 PM

Everything over there seems to be screwed up. If its not one thing, its another. Haven't been able to use my wallet because they say Im in a restricted location. I'm not. If they could only get their S together for once it would great. Alas, Yahoo is to fantasy sports as Fredo was to the Corleones. Well-intentioned, but continually disappointing.

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