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avatarshort_stack  9/24/2019 12:25 PM

Ken, I want to thank you for running the site this year. It is my still my favorite projection site to use and in my opinion the easiest to navigate through becuase of the different shaded boxes. I had a very nice DFS year and in my two season long leagues I finished 2nd in a super competitive mixed league and 4th in an AL Only league. Without BBM I'm sure I wouldn't have done that well. I'm also really looking forward to the NBA season and using Once again, Thank you for taking the time to run the site.

100% Agree (2 votes)
avatarken_admin  9/24/2019 12:32 PM

I appreiate the comment, and congrtatulations on your success.

I wish I had done more this year, but I do anticipate dedicating more time to baseball next season. 

100% Agree (2 votes)
avatarshort_stack  9/24/2019 12:47 PM

Sounds great, I'm looking forward to it

0% Agree (0 votes)
avatartrendonite  9/24/2019 8:09 PM

Same here. I started with Basketball and then added BaseballMonster. I swear by it and can't wait to get the hoops product

100% Agree (1 vote)

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