Import dollar values

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avatarjasongindele  5/12/2020 11:39 AM

It doesn't appear that dollar values (for auction drafts) are being calculated based on imported projections and league settings. I calculated dollar projections myself and added them to a Steamer projections spreadsheet, but it doesn't look like those dollar values are being imported. Is there a way to establish dollar values for imported projections? Sorry if I'm missing an obvious step!

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avatarken_admin  5/13/2020 1:38 PM

They're calculated based on league size and your $/hitters and $/pitchers settings.  Currently, we don't import dollar values.

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avatarjasongindele  5/13/2020 4:16 PM

Thanks, Ken. I didn't have auction dollars included in the settings. That did the trick. 

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