Issue with Ohtani (P)

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avatarfizzo  7/23/2020 1:30 PM

Seems like there is an issue with Ohtani Pitcher, keeps getting dropped from teams owning him, it happenes every day.

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avatarken_admin  7/23/2020 1:56 PM

Thanks, and I'll give this a look.

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avatarken_admin  7/24/2020 10:04 AM

This should work for Yahoo now.  Does anyone know if ESPN uses two separate players (hitter and pitcher) for Ohtani, or do you only need to draft one player?

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avatarkess1989  7/24/2020 1:11 PM

With ESPN I believe you only need to draft one player. 

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avatarfizzo  7/26/2020 5:09 AM

Yahoo works! Thx @kslight

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avatarken_admin  7/26/2020 7:44 AM

I believe he'll work correctly for ESPN too.

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avatarvastfan  2/25/2023 3:03 PM

I'm having issues with Ohtani (P) showing up in my rankings. It looks like this was successfully addressed once...

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avatarken_admin  2/25/2023 8:11 PM

Yes, we have some work to do to get him working for all providers.  We'll give it a look in the next few days.

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