ESPN Import Not Working...

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avatarcraigfc8  2/18/2021 12:52 PM
I updated all settings to league and it passes on the settings page and ESPN is authorized (using the Chrome Cookies settings method) but the rosters won't import... help!
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avatarken_admin  2/18/2021 2:30 PM

This is a drafted league for this season?

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avatarcraigfc8  2/18/2021 2:40 PM

I just joined the league this year and we still have rosters filled from last season... no draft has been done for this season yet BUT we get to have 2 keepers... so maybe I can't import rosters before the draft(?) and I need to just look at my current roster from 2020 and use projections to decide on the 2 keepers before the draft(?). Thanks!

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avatarcraigfc8  2/18/2021 3:19 PM

works now! Thanks @kslight!

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