H2H matchup feature

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avatargriff1b  3/28/2021 2:12 PM

I have imported projections and I can see them under the projection tab.  Now I am trying to project my first H2H matchup under that tab.  The players, games, and dates of the games are there.  However, there are no stat projections listed.  Please advise.  Thank you.

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avatarbuttsy00  3/28/2021 6:15 PM

Guessing it's becuase there are no Daily/Weekly projuections yet? Baseball Monster team, when will these be up?

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avatarbobmcadoo78  3/28/2021 8:33 PM

I was wondering the same thing.

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avatarmareshcj  3/29/2021 11:09 PM

Bump - are Daily/Weekly Projections a thing this year? Please please please say yes

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avatarken_admin  3/30/2021 11:40 AM

Yes, we'll get these going before the season begins which I guess is a couple of days.

100% Agree (2 votes)
avatarshort_stack  3/30/2021 6:45 PM


Thank you

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