Daily vs Weekly Projections

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avataraybesea  4/5/2021 7:58 AM

If I run a daily projections, and then run a weekly projections and set the calendar to today only, I get different projection values. Why? Which is correct? Shouldn't these result in the same projections?

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avatarken_admin  4/5/2021 8:37 AM

Yes we these should match. Which day are you viewing?

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avataraybesea  4/9/2021 9:22 AM

So, if I run a H2HDaily for today it shows 7 players active and a projected total value of 26.29.

If I run a H2HWeekly and select just today, it shows 7 players active and a projected total value of 19.52.

I don't understand the difference and more importantly, I don't know which is correct.

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avatarken_admin  4/9/2021 9:30 AM

The H2H Weekly manages active itself so you'll need to reload your team to set the active.  The assumption is they remain active all week so we don't allow them to change on a daily basis.  Does this solve the issue?

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avataraybesea  4/10/2021 5:50 PM

Not really. If I were querying over multiple days, then that would make sense. But for just one day, it seems like they should be the same.

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