Luis Garcia (SP, HOU) Error

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avatarjawinks  7/18/2021 1:12 PM

I'm having a problem with the site accepting Luis Garcia as a player. In my leagues, he's been listed as an available free agent, even though he is owned. Certain pages will just say "Luis Garcia" in the green bar. When I import projections, it says that Luis Garcia is not found. Any idea why the website is bugging about Luis Garcia? 

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avatarken_admin  7/18/2021 4:21 PM

I believe there's more than one Luis Garcia which is causing the issue.  We'll get this fixed.

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avatarjawinks  7/18/2021 7:46 PM


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avatarken_admin  7/18/2021 8:03 PM

Yes, I think it'll work for you now, but let me know if not.

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avatarjawinks  7/19/2021 3:53 PM

Looks like he is recognized now. Thanks for your help

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