Smart Tool?

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avatarbuttsy00  4/6/2022 6:43 PM
Any chance you can add the Smart Tool like in Basketball Monster?
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avatarDXM12  4/7/2022 11:20 AM

I've been asking for Basketball Monster features for this website for years, unfortunately just doesn't seem like it's gonna happen. I'd even be willing to pay a premium membership for those tools.

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avatarken_admin  4/7/2022 11:36 AM

Yes, we would have to make this membership again to add features like this.  I doubt this tool wil be added this season.

100% Agree (1 vote)
avatarDoD  4/7/2022 2:52 PM

I'd be more than happy to pay for some of the functionality of BasketballMonster. Huge timesaver. I can crunch z-scores but would rather spend the time strategizing.

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avatarbuttsy00  4/7/2022 6:42 PM

Yep i'd pay too.

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