Adding Scoring Options

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avatarThatDamnDingo  3/21/2023 12:56 PM

I just joined a league that has points for Hitting For The Cycle, No-Hitters, and Perfect Games, but those aren't options when I try to edit the scoring in settings.

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avatarken_admin  3/21/2023 1:30 PM

Is this a points league?

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avatarThatDamnDingo  3/21/2023 1:50 PM

Yes it is

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avatarken_admin  3/21/2023 4:53 PM

We don't have those, but I would think they'd have a very small effect on a player's total points.  Plus, they would be hard to project since they're so rare.

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avatarjawinks  3/23/2023 2:41 PM

is it possible to add QS+W this year in cats leagues?

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