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avatarrsimon4  10/1/2023 8:24 PM

Just wanted to thank Baseball Monster for another terrific season. This has to be my most visited fantasy baseball website and I really appreciate everything you do. 

100% Agree (6 votes)
avatarken_admin  10/2/2023 7:01 AM

You're welcome, and I'm glad is was useful.

100% Agree (4 votes)
avatarshort_stack  10/3/2023 3:34 AM

Ken, same here just wanted to say thank you for another great season. 

100% Agree (2 votes)
avatarcrucified  10/7/2023 3:49 PM

I'm thankful for Baseball Monster too!  I use the league for draft and through the year.  Won a league, got 2nd in a couple, and the last one, had a great team, but lost in the first round of the playoffs.

100% Agree (2 votes)
avatarken_admin  10/8/2023 9:04 AM

Those were your baseball or basketball results?

100% Agree (1 vote)
avatarcrucified  10/8/2023 5:09 PM

Pulled a Brandon.  Fixed the typo!

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