Kershaw for Machado??

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avatardsdza  5/16/2013 8:46 AM

Got offered this trade in my roto league...not sure what to think although it seems like an immediate 'accept'.  Do you guys think this trade is a veto candidate?  If so, why?  

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avatarmbuser   5/16/2013 12:36 PM

A certain % of the population is going to click veto because Kershaw is the top SP in the game and Machado's O-Rank was 211. But this is the kind of trade people should be free to make - Machado is a highly-regarded prospect and is obviously killing it right now.

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avatardsdza  5/17/2013 3:32 PM

Thanks, Matt!  Eventually, it got vetoed.  Haters.  :P

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avatarmbuser   5/17/2013 10:44 PM

Bah, sorry to hear that, but I guess not a shocker.

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