projections: Hardy and Eric Chavez

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avatarnycballer  5/21/2013 6:15 AM

Both are playing real well

chavez healthy getting playing time

and hardy now in the 3 hole

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avatarmbuser   5/21/2013 12:44 PM

Chavez is hot, but only getting playing time while Aaron Hill is out. And, yes, Hardy batted third against a lefty yesterday, but we're not going to assume that's his permanent spot in both/either lineups as of yet.

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avatarnycballer  5/29/2013 12:02 PM

Hey Buser

hardy is still batting third

tied for 1st with all ss in homers

and 2nd in rbis

puting up great #s.. 

upgrade now? if not why are you waiting?

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avatarmbuser   5/29/2013 11:15 PM

Hardy was already upgraded. He's listed as the default #3 hitter vsLHP and our projected OPS (.738) is actually higher than his season number (.708).

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