Kemp for C.Davis?

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avatarab05xp  6/17/2013 7:47 PM

H2h league .. 10 team.. 10 kekeepers 

should I trade Matt kemp for Chris Davis?

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avatarmbuser   6/17/2013 8:20 PM

Davis has been a beast, but I'm not ready to make that swap yet. The injuries have been really a bummer, but Kemp paced out right around .300-30-30 over five-plus full seasons.

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avatarab05xp  6/17/2013 8:38 PM

Ya I know he's been such a fantasy stud, but he seems to be like he's entering that bandaid category.. I fear his shoulder injury is gonna affect him long term.. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic 

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avatarmbuser   6/18/2013 12:10 AM

I'll be the last person to tell you that it's not troubling. If you want to make the deal, if it will give you peace of mind, then pull the trigger.

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