Kemp Minor for Harvey Rios

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avatarab05xp  6/27/2013 9:51 AM

Keeper league h2h.. 10 keepers (no penalties costs etc)


trade kemp and mminor 

get Harvey rios

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avatarmbuser   6/27/2013 12:20 PM

Harvey is awesome, obviously. Anyone more interesting than Rios that could be included?

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avatarab05xp  6/27/2013 1:03 PM

cruz butler or hanely?

thats all he has to offer back really


but if he wont budge.. is it a bad deal?

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avatarmbuser   6/27/2013 1:13 PM

If Kemp gets/stays healthy and is massive and Minor is one of the NL's best pitchers for the next X years, then you likely end up on the short end. Harvey is a treasure for keeper leagues, though, no question. I know you've been trying to rid yourself of Kemp for some time, and it's not a surprise that the market opened up a bit the day after he was activated. At some point, you need to just do what your gut tells you.

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avatarab05xp  6/27/2013 1:21 PM

let me explain my logic here a bit

Im not keeping minor for next year with the way my roster is set up so hes gone at the end.. it basically works out to kemp for harvey in the longterm

i have upton stanton and a,jackson as my keeper outfielders


i also have a offer of castro for kemp ........ as well as reyes for kemp


do you like either of those deals better? or should I do the harvery deal? or just ride the ship with kemp?

sorry for all the questions! im just so torn here

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avatarmbuser   6/27/2013 1:23 PM

LOL Castro! What? It's Matt Kemp, look at the numbers he put up when healthy. I get being concerned, but Castro's current OPS is .585, and his career OPS is .735.

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avatarab05xp  6/27/2013 1:26 PM

lol i know i know castro is playing like a bum... but i dont have a SS

and castros only 23.. and 2 years ago was a .300 hitter with some pop

ya he regressed last year and this year has been horrible but he still has a bright future no?


what about kemp for reyes?


or should I accept the harvey deal

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avatarmbuser   6/27/2013 1:31 PM

Which deal do you like best? At some point, you need to just do what your gut tells you.

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avatarab05xp  6/27/2013 1:32 PM

i want harvey...


ok tell me this... should i try and deal upton instead of kemp? bc right now upton is scaring me just as much

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avatarmbuser   6/27/2013 1:37 PM

The problem is that you are desperate to deal one of two OF with fantastic numbers potential in a keeper league at their lowest points of value. I get Upton "scaring" you, but trading him right now because of that is the wrong solution. In keeper leagues you need to be considering things in a more broad sense - I can see putting Upton on the block after the numbers come back a bit because you don't want the volatility.

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avatarab05xp  6/27/2013 1:43 PM

well heres my problem

i have the depth to trade one of my OF stars ( i have stanton upton jackson and kemp) and I really need another ace pitcher 

harvey looks to be the real deal and i want to pair  him up with verlander and moore


as i was saying at the end of the year... im either going to keep kemp or harvey the rest of my spots are filled 

im willing to move kemp for harvey... i just wanna make sure the deal i make right now helps me keep competing for the title this year

which is why i wanted to know if harvey rios for kemp and minor didnt hurt me that much this year


so if i do this deal... would i be better to get rios, cruz, butler or hanley...can u rank the 4 players in order of who you would want? or should i just not do this at all

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avatarmbuser   6/27/2013 1:55 PM

If you need a SS then why not take a chance on Hanley?

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avatarab05xp  6/27/2013 1:58 PM

im going to try for hanley.. but i know he'll make me add someone else to the deal

i have nick franklin right now whos working well for me

 but if he doesnt give henley


rios cruz or butler?

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avatarmbuser   6/27/2013 2:11 PM

None of them would be keepers, from what I gather, so I'd go with Cruz or Rios depending on your specific needs.

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avatarab05xp  6/27/2013 2:16 PM

alright thanks for taking the time to help i appreciate it!

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avatarmbuser   6/27/2013 2:24 PM

Yeah, buddy, that's what I'm here for. Best of luck thumbs up

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