Custom Projections Problem

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avatarEddieDean19  3/7/2014 5:51 PM

I just loaded custom projections to the site, but when I use the Projections feature, the pitchers seems to show up, at least some of them, but none of the hitters are showing up.

When I click into a sample batter (Mike Trout), I see my custom projections there, but they are not showing up in the rankings.  Note my projections source didn't have games played for hitters, so those are all 0 - but I'm using "total" not "per game" so I wouldn't expect that to create problems.

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avatarken_admin  3/7/2014 6:28 PM

Can you send me your CSV files?


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avatarEddieDean19  3/7/2014 7:32 PM

Sent.  Thanks!

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