Team Analysis Not Working

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avatarEddieDean19  3/11/2014 8:49 AM

My draft is complete and the rosters are imported from Yahoo (I can see them, when I look at player pages I see what team guys are on, etc...), but when I go to the Team Analysis page, I get a blank for both my team and for all teams - whether I use my custom projections or the site default projections...

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avatarsilentjim   3/11/2014 9:53 AM

Make sure you're selecting Projections in the analysis source header not the comparison column header. If the analysis source is set to Full Season it's looking at the 2014 season that hasn't happened yet.

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avatarken_admin  3/11/2014 12:08 PM

I have adjusted your account so Projections is selected by default. I'll make a bulk change for now so everyone defaults to Projections regardless of what they've saved in past seasons.

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