Some thoughts

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avatarliam4  3/24/2014 12:22 PM

A potential bug and a wish list...

While using draft tracker, I noticed that hitting the "Refresh from Yahoo" button resulted in me being unable to get per game value.  "Refresh" worked fine, but "Refresh from Yahoo" just gave total value regardless of selection.  Bug or am I using it wrong?

Additionally, a wish list of minor suggestions for the site, from one perspective.  Given my full-time job, I frequently check and modify my roster and add/drop using mobile, so some of this is just removing clicks and ease of use.

(i) Projections:  It'd be great if opening projections page (annual, weekly daily, etc.) automatically resulted in projections shown for the last saved settings.  For a self-admitted power user like me, removing that Get Projections click, especially on mobile in tiny type, would be awesome.
(ii) Historical data:  Would be great to have 2012 and 2011, if available, also shown on player pages, without having to check "Show More Data".
(iii) Curated Twitter:  I know there's a lot competing for space on the front page, but I loved the curated Twitter feed from last year.  Made BBM firmly my one-stop shop, and picked up a bunch of new closers using it.  Fantasy Alarm News seems cool but Twitter enabled focus on the most critical news.

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