Daily Fantasy what is the best way

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avatarthedude7400  4/9/2014 10:37 AM

I am new to Fantasy baseball, with that said what is the best way to pick a team. Lets say I am using Draftkings and I make up three teams with three different value totals. Is it best to go with the highest value total ? 

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avatarken_admin  4/9/2014 1:39 PM

Baseball takes some practice so I would suggest starting slowly to get a feel for it. Obviously, we suggest going with the highest total for the day, but I'm sure others have their own methods for picking a lineup.

Typically, I will enter one tournament and one 50/50 with the plan of winning the 50/50 more often then I lose with the hope of hitting a tournament every so often. What have you done so far?

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avatarthedude7400  4/9/2014 2:28 PM

a couple of tournaments and a head to head never thought about 50/50 but it makes more sense 

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avatarthedude7400  4/9/2014 4:21 PM

is it better to go heavy on pitchers or hitters 

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