Trade thread -- thumbs UP or DOWN

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avatartomm0  4/11/2014 8:05 PM

Post your trade question in this thread if all you need is a simple thumbs up/down reaction from the rest of us to let you know which way the consensus leans. If you feel a need for more than that, then post in the appropriate forum or thread. In this thread, you get votes only. Remember, the more info you post (league settings, team analysis, standings, trade analysis) the better informed the responses will be.

75% Agree (4 votes)
avatarjyang61107  8/8/2014 8:14 PM


UP: Everth Cabrera 

DN: Alcides Escobar

25% Agree (4 votes)
avatarmattgus40  8/10/2014 10:24 AM

Rest of season at SS, punting SB

UP - Alexei Ramirez

DOWN - Javier Baez

0% Agree (5 votes)
avatarmroberts91  7/20/2015 9:45 AM

Which group is better ROS?

UP - Cespedes, Archer, Andrew Miller

DOWN - Fielder, J Zimmerman, Britton

60% Agree (5 votes)
avatartedw  7/24/2015 8:33 PM

UP: Jung Ho Kang

DOWN: Randal Grichuk

100% Agree (3 votes)

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