Strange but good for me trade goes down yesterday!!!

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avatarmmassmedia  4/13/2014 10:57 AM

I offered

Votto 1b, Broxton Rp, Santos Rp, Dozier 2nd


Kipnis 2nd, Donaldson 3rd, Janssen

He counters with

Cuddyer 1b/of , D.Murphy 1b/2nd , Santos Rp , Broxton Rp


Kipnis 2nd, Craig 1b/of, Janssen Rp

He pulls his counter down before I accept. I resend his counter back to him. He accept. I do happy dance. Then scratch my head.

Strange that he wanted Cuddyer over Votto, as well gives up 1 set closer for 2 temp closers. I think I got a sweet deal this time around.

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