Innings limit dissapeared + Bug

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avatardescender  4/22/2014 11:08 AM

I've noticed that the projected standings page doesn't have the innings limit box anymore, that was very useful. :)


Also, if you hit "enter" in Chrome when trying to search for a forum topic, it brings you to your "my account" page, but if you click on the search button it searched fine.

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avatardescender  4/29/2014 9:54 AM



What was the URL for the beta site, does this feature still work there?

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avatarken_admin  4/29/2014 9:56 AM

Yes, sorry for the delay here. We'll get the innings limit back in the Projected Standings for this weekend along with a few other enhancements.

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avatardescender  4/29/2014 11:10 AM

Excellent :)


In the meantime, I've noticed that using "enter" in a few of the forms results in redirection to the "my account" page, not just the forum search box.

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avatarken_admin  4/29/2014 12:40 PM

Yes, the default button on a few pages needs to be updated. Thanks

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