Daily Projections

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avatarcrazyalice  5/6/2014 10:38 AM

So i'm trying to get some projections only for today. So what's the best way? Under display columns i have everything checked. Under analysis source i have full season. Under comparison column i am using totals, none & use custom projections. And finally i have both factors to apply checked. So am i using it correctly?

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avatarmbuser   5/6/2014 11:09 AM

Use "Full Season" for Analysis Source if you want the projections to be based off season-to-date stats. Use "2014 Projections" if you want the projections based off of our current projections, and I would suggest doing so. Use the Comparison Column to show you who is hot/cold, relative to projections, so select Per-Game and Past Days of 10 or 14. And, yes, you want to include Monster Factors.

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