Trade Analysis doesn't look right for this trade

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avatarmymaus  5/13/2014 12:08 AM

I have to evaluate this trade on a per game basis but that doesn't seem to work for the pitchers. Can you explain why or tell me how to fix it?

Here's the screen:



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avatarjphanned   5/13/2014 12:14 AM

Screen shot isn't showing up, mymaus. Can you upload it to a third-party site like imgur and try again?

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avatarmymaus  5/13/2014 12:16 AM

Well I tried to cut and paste a screen print and that didn't work. I guess the only thing you can do to see it is to set up a 6x5 H2H league with R, RBI, HR, SB, Errors and OBP and standadr pitching cats. Then go to trade analysis and set per game values and per game stats and make the trade









C. Gomez

R. Zimmerman

Mike Adams (1st base St. L)




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avatarken_admin  5/13/2014 8:00 AM

It should look better now with your 6x5 settings. I tried it with 5x5, and it looks like a win for the Get team so hopefully that's you.

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